Get Your Best Sleep!

By Amber T
CN Supplements Buyer and Sleep Enthusiast

Sleeping. We all do it, we all need it, and sometimes, it feels like we all have trouble with it. How can something so necessary be so difficult to obtain? 

Sleep is a hugely personal, and, dare I say it, intimate experience. No two people are going to have the same sleep needs, so there's a lot of room for experimentation when it comes to what works the best for you. Unfortunately, that means that you may need to try a number of different things to get your best night's sleep. At Cambridge Naturals, we've got a wide variety of products to help you customize your perfect sleep routine. 

Melatonin: A hormone that's naturally produced by the human body in response to darkness, melatonin comes in a number of different dosages such as 1mg, 3mg, 5mg, and 10mg, usually in tablets or in lozenges that you dissolve under your tongue about an hour or so before going to bed. Though it's the most commonly-used sleep supplement, initial research has shown it may be most beneficial for individuals with circadian rhythm or sleep phase disorders. It's also often taken to help mitigate the effects of jet lag. 

CBD: Produced from varieties of the hemp plant that have been bred not to have any psychoactive chemical components, CBD (or cannabidiol) has become popular in recent years for its anti-inflammatory, anti-anxiety, and mildly sedative effects. It can be found in tinctures, capsules, and gummy form, sometimes combined with other sleep aids such as melatonin or lemon balmCBN is a related chemical to CBD, formed when the chemical compounds in THC break down over time. Because it's closer in form to THC, it has a stronger sedative effect, but should not be used by individuals who are sensitive to THC.

Herbal remedies are a popular option for people looking to avoid melatonin, and they've been used by humans all over the world for thousands of years. Valerian, a pungent-smelling root in the honeysuckle family; passionflower (also called maypop), and hops are herbs that have all been found to aid with sleep. They're commonly available as tinctures, capsules, and various tea blends. The world of herbal sleep aids is a large one, and there are many different options to explore!

There are a number of things you can do to improve the quality of your sleep instead of (or in addition to) taking supplements. Avoid blue-light producing devices (such as phone screens, computers, and televisions) in the hours before bed, as studies have shown they may reduce the body's natural melatonin production, as well as causing mental stimulation that makes falling asleep harder. Create a pleasant sleeping environment with dimmed lights, darkened window shades, and pleasing aromatherapy like lavender. Make your bed a comfortable space that you look forward to relaxing in with your preferred pillows, soft sheets, and maybe even a weighted blanket! And while it might be tempting to have a nightcap before heading to bed, the dehydration caused by alcohol may actually cause you to wake up in the middle of the night later on. 

Getting your best night's sleep can seem complicated at first, but it doesn't have to be. View our selection of sleep aids here, and good luck catching those sweet, sweet Zzzz's!


The information in this blog post is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the guidance of your doctor or other qualified health professional with any questions you may have regarding your health or a medical condition.