Sunday Sip - Adrenal Mocktail

By Alyssa P
CN buyer, herbalism student, and beverage connoisseur

If you find yourself needing a little afternoon pick-me-up or just some extra hydration, an adrenal mocktail is a great beverage to turn to. This beverage is packed with vitamins, minerals, and electrolytes- most notably magnesium, potassium, sodium, and vitamin C. It’s very simple to make as it only requires three ingredients. Plus it satisfies that salty-sweet craving! Adrenal mocktails are so refreshing and will give you an energy boost without having to reach for that second cup of coffee, all while transporting you to a momentary tropical vacation. It’s the perfect midday or post-gym drink.



Add all ingredients to a glass and mix well. If adding coconut cream, blend or shake well to make sure everything gets mixed in.