
Health Article: Grape seed Extract (GBE) Emerges as Anti-Cancer Powerhouse Thanks to Pro-Active Supplement Users

Article By Ethan Evers

(NaturalNews) The therapeutic potential of grape seed extract as anti-oxidant, anti-hypertensive and anti-inflammatory is so well established that this natural supplement is now being used in seven on-going clinical trials, only one of which is on cancer (of the breast). But the spotlight may soon shift to grape seed extract’s anti-cancer potential as recent landmark studies on human patients have just uncovered its remarkable protective effects against three major cancers: squamous cell carcinoma, prostate and hematologic malignancies.

Book Review: Vitamin K-2 and the Calcium Paradox: How a Little-Known Vitamin Could Save Your Life

By Kate Rheaume-Bleue (Collins, 2012)

Reviewed by Rosalind Michahelles

The paradox in the title refers to the fact that – according to the author’s research — dietary calcium, unaccompanied by vitamin K-2 may well end up in soft tissue like blood vessels rather than in bones and teeth. In other words, it may harden your arteries rather than strengthen your bones and your teeth. Apparently vitamin K-2 plays a crucial stimulating role where two proteins are concerned: one is osteocalcin, which pulls calcium into bones; the other is matrix gla protein (MGP) which pulls calcium out of soft tissue. Vitamin K-2 thus provides a twofold benefit.

Book Review: COULD IT BE B-12? An Epidemic of Misdiagnoses

By Sally M. Pacholok & Jeffrey Stuart

Reviewed by Rosalind Michahelles, Certified Holistic Health Counselor

“Epidemic of Misdiagnoses,” the subtitle of this book, sounds like hyperbole. But to some of those who have been misdiagnosed it may, on the contrary, seem tame, especially if psychotic or demented or paralyzed from nerve damage because the lack of vitamin B-12 was not noticed by their doctors. Similarly, wouldn’t a parent whose aloof and silent toddler is labeled autistic – instead of being cured with B-12 injections — find that subtitle reasonable? So think the authors of this book.

Vitamin B-12 is essential to the human diet because we don’t manufacture it but we need it. B-12 is functionally diverse, playing a significant role in the nervous, cardio-vascular, gastric, immune and mental systems.

Who is at risk for B-12 deficiency? Vegans and those who avoid animal products; people who take pills to suppress stomach acid; people with intestinal or other problems that interfere with B-12 absorption; and people whose dentist has used laughing gas instead of Novocain. There are also some with a genetic anomaly that gives them pernicious anemia, the name of the blood disorder, which results from B-12 deficiency.

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