
Antibiotic Resistance – and What to Do About It?

How do bacteria manage to overcome antibiotics? And, will herbs rather than pharmaceuticals ultimately help us more?
By Rosalind Michahelles

Penicillin famously killed off some staphylococcus aureus in a petri dish in the lab of Alexander Fleming in the late ‘20’s and by the time we entered WWII, it was available for treating our war wounded. Civilians soon followed and I happened to be an early beneficiary in May of 1947, hospitalized for earache as an infant. The first semi-synthetic antibiotic, methicillin, appeared in 1960. It took only four years for the first resistant bacteria to be identified: methicillin resistant staphylococcus aureas, or MRSA. MRSA and other antibiotic resistant bacteria, like clostridium difficile, have become a scourge not just in hospitals but also occasionally in the population at large.